I don't know where you are.
I don't even know if I'll ever see you again.
So I have decided to write this for you.
So if you are even to return and you cannot find me, I do hope you find this extremely long letter.
... I suppose though, it's more like a book.
After your little stunt in the ocean, we didn't hear from Tasin for a long while.
We found ourselves living a quiet life for a change.
I moved back in with Brinlynn, my former mentor and best friend.
My sister, Quorra, lives with us too. Savrin got his own place in Konsor, and Braxlin still lives... well actually I don't really know where he lives.
We spend a lot of time together these days.
Our lives are relatively normal. But inside, we all miss the "old days" as we call them.
And we all miss you a lot!
It feels like we've left something behind. Something important and special.
It's frightening sometimes.
But the adventure began 9 months after you left.
I was in a foggy meadow, in the distance I could here the ocean waves crashing against the shore.
Up ahead I saw a figure walking towards me.
“Who are you?” I called out. The figure didn’t answer. As it got closer the shape got more detailed. I could make out the long jacket that was being tossed around in the wind. I saw the pointed hair and I had a hunch.
“Is it you?” I asked. Before I knew it, the figure was standing in front of me.
You were standing in front of me.
I could see your silver-red eyes, the spiked black hair, the sly smile.
But then, you changed.
Your eyes turned a remarkable shade of blue, your black long hair grew shorter, and spiked out at a different angle. The hair on top of his/your head spiked out in a wave to your right.
But the most drastic change, was that your hair color went from jet black, to bleach blond!
“Who are you?” I asked again. The boy held out a hand.
“Trust me.” He said with a genuine smile.
I pulled my hands close and bit my bottom lip.
“No thanks.”
“Trust me.”
“Trust me.”
I woke up in cold sweat. I was breathing hard, and my long hair was plastered to my neck.
I finally calmed down enough to shove my feet into a pair of boots, grab a jacket, and step outside in shorts and my daddy’s old shirt. (real smart of me yes I know I think we have established the fact that I don’t really think clearly when I wake up in middle of the night. haha)
The temperature outside was hot! it was in middle of the summer, but the air was cool, and there was a steady breeze.
I looked up at the starry night sky and found our stars.
“Where are you?” The wind took my whisper and flew it far away. To you I hoped.
I sighed and caught myself thinking.
Who was that boy?
Why was he in my dream?! I had never even seen him before!
“Do you miss him?”
I jumped and glanced around. Beside me stood a five-year-old little girl with big brown eyes and golden hair in pig-tails.
She wore what looked like a school uniform. A cream collared shirt with small poofy sleeves, an orange ribbon was tied into a bow under her collar.
She wore a navy blue jumper (which is a dress) that had a drop-waist and a belt. On her feet she wore white socks with little brown shoes.
“Tasin!” I scooped her up and spun her around. I then pulled her close and squeezed tight.
“I missed you! where have you been?” I asked, setting her back down.
“I missed you too!” She looked up at me with one of the sweetest smiles. “The Creator thought you all deserved a cool down.... well most of you anyway.”
“What do you mean by ‘most of us’?” I asked, walking to a bench.
“You’ll find out soon enough. That’s a promise.” Tasin said sweetly. Jumping up onto the bench, she started to swing her legs around..
I sighed and sat down next to her.
“So, what’s your answer?” She asked.
“yeah.... I do. But it’s horrible! I remember him. Like, that he was there, all we did together, the harpies we fought, the feelings that are still as strong as anything.... But I don’t remember him.
His face has faded, and so has his name!
It’s so... depressing!” I cried out, placing my head in my hands.
“It’s alright Zaydie. Don’t worry about it. Shh. You’ll remember, when the Creator says it’s time all of you will remember.” Tasin said quietly, giving me a hug.
I took a deep breath and nodded.
“But!” She exclaimed rather suddenly. “In the mean time, you guys have major slack to make up for! So prepare for things out of this world! Things that you wouldn’t have even imagined!” She shouted. Jumping up from the bench.
“But first!” She shoved a finger into the air, with her feet apart and a hand on her hip.
“You’ll need a full night’s sleep. Your going to meet new friends tomorrow.” My face lit up and my spirits rose.
For the past 9 months there’s been an uneasiness on everyone. It’s like we’re in the dark and we’re just waiting for something to jump us.
Only in this case we’re just waiting for something to go wrong.
But now that Tasin’s back (in an extremely cute outfit I might add. haha) Things can actually get going again! We could actually be doing something for a change! Something that’ll change Dresher forever!
“Will you be here tomorrow?” I asked. Tasin nodded.
“From here on out.”
I grinned.
“You should get back to bed. You have a big day tomorrow.”
I nodded and got up from the bench.
“Alrighty then. I can try. It’s good to see you again.” I smiled down at her and tugged on a pig-tail.
“M-hmm.... me too.”
Thank you Creator. Thank you! I prayed.
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