Sunday, November 27, 2011

No. 10

No. 10

                                               21 guns... or more

Well.... what happened next sure was interesting.... that's really all I can say.
The extent of Jinx's weapons collection.... was guns and a few swords.
Well... I guess it's time to learn something new.

"We have a very wide verity of guns here. Most of them I have modified in one way or another. But their all real good. If you girls want ones with less of a kick back I would suggest these over here."
Jinx had taken us to the far side of the non-cluttered area of the basement. Which was a shooting range.
On the wall, (behind bars I might add) was a very, very LARGE collection of guns.

Jinx unlocked the bars and they slid up into the roof automatically.
He pointed to a section of small hand pistols to us girls.
Most of them had long barrels like Quorra's. However there was a set that kind of rounded. The handle was about as big as the barrel. Ok so you had the usual handle and barrel, but then at the tip of the barrel (on the bottom) a piece of metal came down and met the bottom of the handle. Creating a rounded look.

"You got some close range weapons Jinx? Zaydie doesn't really like guns -" you started.
I wrapped my hand around one of the pistols and picked it up along with a magazine.
The pistol was a silver plaited one, with a long barrel.
I walked over to the range and loaded the mag into it. Cocking it, I aimed for the paper target.
Squeezing the trigger, there was a loud bang as the hammer ignited the powder, sending the bullet out of the barrel and through the paper target.
It had more of a kick then I expected, so my aim was off.
I released the mag, and placed the gun back.
"Nope." I muttered.
"Did I miss.... something?" I heard you whisper to Quorra after a moment of silence where I could sense you starring at me. "In the past year. Because she could never shoot a gun before! let alone load one!"
"Um, yeah you did. You've been gone a year! she was a little... lost. So she trained hard everyday with any weapon she could find beside her own." Quorra explained.

It was true. I even forced myself to train with a gun. I figured that if I was going to have to fight the Puppeteer, or anyone else that good, I had better make myself useful.
So I trained. Day and night most of the time.
I think the real reason behind it though... was the fact that I didn't want to deal with the fact that you were actually gone.

I looked at another pistol. It was black, and on the bulky side. It's barrel wasn't as long as the other's, and when I picked it up, I was surprised by how light it was seeing as there was so much metal on it.
I grabbed it's magazine and walked back over to the shooting range.
After I loaded it, I squeezed the trigger again. This time it didn't have a kick. So I hit the bull's eye.
I walked over and examined it a little bit more.
"Yeah. I like this one. It's not heavy at all, and there's no kick back." I said, looking up at Jinx.
"Yeah that's the modification on that one. I tweaked it up a little. The metal is actually Yura It's a metal, but doesn't weigh anything! I mean you could put a whole ton on a scale and it would weigh zilch. But it‘s real sturdy."
I nodded.
"And yes you can have it. Here, here's the holster. But if you break Yura you'll pay for it."
"Yura?" I asked as I took the holster. It was one that strapped on to your leg. Oh boy.
"Guess it's a good thing your skirt's short." Savrin whispered in my ear as he passed by to look at the pistols. I slapped his arm and he chuckled.
"It's not that short." I muttered.
"I thought it was fitting." Jinx stated going back to the name.
I put my hands up and didn't argue.
I focused on strapping on the dumb holster. But I couldn't get the last buckle. I had positioned it so that it was just below the skirt, around my mid-thigh.
"Um, Quorra. A little help please." I asked. She snorted as she bent down to help.
She did it tightly so it wouldn't fall off.
"Tight enough?"
I did several flips across the room, and ran back.
"Yeah it's good." I said giving her a thumbs up. I noticed all the boy eyeing me, and I looked down at myself subconsciously.
"Ok guys don't get any ideas. Or you will seriously regret it." I sated, crossing my arms over my chest.
They all immediately looked away and occupied themselves with something.
"Well anyways! Quorra, I think you'll like these ones." Matrix said, pointing to two pistols and handed them to her.
What gave those two a look, was the fact that the bottom part of the barrel was slanted inwards.
"These are the Twins." Jinx introduced, giving her the two pistols and two magazines.
Now it was Quorra's turn to walk over to the shooting range. She had her back to the poster as she loaded the guns in a few swift movements.
Then she spun around on her heel, with her guns pointed sideways one on top of another, she squeezed the trigger and two whole appeared in the head of the silhouette.
"I like them!" She decided. Jinx handed over the two holsters, that she strapped around each leg.

Savrin chose a silver pistol with a long barrel, and the handle was black wood.
"That's Blood Spewer." Jinx said. Sav looked at him with a look that said 'are-you-for-real?’
“BS for short.”
Sav rose his eyebrows and shook his head.
“Okay then.” He gave the ‘BS’ a spin and came back satisfied.
Jinx gave up another holster. (Sav’s went around his waist, then around his right leg.)
You picked up two pistols that looked like they were suppose to be twins, but they looked different. One was silver, the other was black. But they both had gold trim. (like the trigger, the hammer, the safety button, and the bottom of the handle)

“That’s Blood Taker,” Jinx pointed to the silver one. “and that’s Heaven’s Light.” The black one. Oo-kay then.
“Ok, so all of you now have guns, do you need anything else?” Jinx asked while he handed you a holster. I could tell that he wasn’t exactly happy with us taking his guns.
“Um I don’t mean to be a burden or anything but do you have any close range weapons?” I asked.
He gestured over to another section of the wall.
I walked over to it and looked at the variation of knives, and swords. A metal tube caught my eye. It was long enough that I could hold it with one hand. There was lines engraved onto the smooth metal, they swirled their way around and around.

I rolled it around in my right hand. Looking at it.
I lifted it, and looked at the end of it. It looked like just like a tube... I mean it didn‘t look like anything special. So what was the use of this thing?
Ok so um I was a little.... uh.... dumb when this happened. But I will say, that I had NO IDEA IT COULD DO THAT!!!
Just saying.
Because suddenly, something pushed it’s way out of the tube, and shot strait up. I gasped. It was a cold blade. And I had it so close to my face that it had parted my bangs, on it’s way up, right in the middle, and it rested right in the middle of my face.
My eyes got big as I looked around. Not daring to move a muscle in my body. (besides my eyes obviously)
My eyes met yours and you suddenly burst out laughing!
I slowly moved the sword/tube thingie away from my face and pointed it down to the ground.
My eyes still big, and my body still tense.
You were still laughing at me, (which was really weird because you hardly ever laughed before) and everyone was now looking at me to see what I had did.
“What? What did she do?” Quorra asked.
You tried to explain but you couldn’t get a full breath, so you just leaned over your knees and tried to calm down.... though I don’t think it worked to well....
“Well... I won’t be doing that again.” I muttered.
Which just sent you into another laugh attack.

“Whoa! You opened it!” Jinx exclaimed. He came over and reached for the blade... thing. But as soon as he took it out of my hand, the blade shot back into the tube and it closed up. Not even looking like it had opened before.
“Uh....” He handed it back, and as soon as I grasped it like I was about to use it, the blade came back out.
I looked at it up and down now that it was back out.
It was a sword. A very slim sword.
“Think fast!”
I turned just in time to see Ryota aimed for my head. I raised the sword in defense and sparks flew as metal clashed against metal.
Savrin attacked me several more times, each time I blocked with ease. (Ha! I guess all that training was useful after all.)
After a few minutes, he stopped and made Ryota disappear.
“That’s real sturdy for something so small.” He remarked.
I nodded.
Yes it was. I liked it!

“So are you guys from  V. M. U.?” Jinx asked. I looked at him as I closed the sword. It had a hook on one end so I clipped it onto the left side of my belt.
“V. M. U?” I asked.
Jinx looked at me like I was an idiot.
“Yeah Vecina Military University.”
I glanced at everyone else with a confused look.
“Um... no.”
“Then how did you get the uniforms?”
We all glanced down.
“Ok we just bought these in the store. What’s V. M. U?”
Jinx looked at us in shock. But Matrix got another grin on his face.
“V. M. U. Is a perfect cover story.” He said.
He and Jinx smiled at each other and gave a high five.
Alrighty then.... what did that mean exactly?

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