Thursday, November 24, 2011

No. 2

No. 2

                                                     I’m Free Falling

I'm afraid to say that most of the outfits Savrin tried on, did not work for him!

Most of them were very bold, and odd looking.
"Don't you have something more....subtle?" He asked as he walked out in a green and blue outfit.
"No darling, it's all bold, bold, bold! For the most part. But I might have something, hang on just a moment." She then rushed off again.
Quorra giggled as she did hand motions to the techno music going on.
"Don't laugh! Its' very... uncomfortable." Savrin said in his defense.
"Ha. Right. Well ok then! I'll keep that in mind." she muttered as she did a back flip and landed in a single-handed hand stand.
Savrin shook his head and Mama Bear came back.

Handing over another outfit, he headed back inside the dressing room.
But when he came out I immediatly rose eyebrows.
Quorra's jaw dropped as she stood back up.
"Whoa! Nice. I like it." She said with a big smile.

Savrin wore a black sleeveless shirt, with black cargo pants that had two green pouches attached to his leg by brown straps, near the bottom of the pants where a bunch of pockets and he wore them with a brown belt. He had a green band around his arm to cover his Mark.
But what really gave the outfit character, was the green cape that was strapped on by a brown leather strap.
His six-inch boots reminded me of his old ones that he had a while ago.
"That's... one snazzy outfit." I remarked with a laugh.
"Yeah. I like it. Thanks Mama Bear."
She nodded and handed a few affects. A pair of gloves and some goggles.
"You never know when they'll come in handy." She said as he put them (the goggles) on the top of his head.
I gave him a thumbs up.
"A very fitting look for you." He grinned.
"My turn!" I shouted, turning to Mama Bear. That made her laugh.
I told her where my Mark was and then she shuffled off yet again.

It took several tries, but I finally found an outfit I liked.
I had two shirts on. One was a black tank-top, and the other was a neon green loose fitting one over top of it. It had one short sleeve, and then it didn't have another. Instead it was a green plastic strap that went over my right shoulder and kept the shirt in position.

I wore a black pleated school looking skirt, with built in shorts. It had a black belt that had two holes side by side, instead of the usual, one. And the holes were lined with silver metal, and the edges of the belt looked like a zipper.
Your medallion laid against the neon green giving it a little color. (besides the green I mean. duh.)
On my feet I wore glossy white boots with black laces that came up to about my knees, they had black soles too, so it gave them an interesting look.

I walked out of the dressing room a little nervously, clutching my hands in front of me.
"Aw! you look so cute!" Quorra exclaimed, clapping her hands in front of her and hopping up on one foot.
Mama Bear nodded and handed me something.
It was black and white stripped, and looked like an arm for a shirt, only there wasn't a shirt that it was attached to.
"Here deary."
Mama Bear helped me pull it up on my arm that didn't have the sleeve of the green shirt. (my left)
She pulled it up to about my bicep, and then it went down my arm and stopped at my wrist.
She then handed me a red pouch that I slipped onto my belt.
“There’s some creds in there so if you need anything.”
I nodded my thanks.
“I love it. It’s really comfortable.” I remarked. Spinning around with my arms out.
“I do too!” Quorra stated.
I smiled and turned to Sav. “What do you think?”
He took a deep breath and crossed his arms.
He started to walk around me with a very serious face.
“It’s a little short, how do you plan to fight in it?”  He asked on his second turn.
“It has built in shorts underneath.” I answered, turning my head to follow him.

He suddenly tickled my ribcage with made me giggle. Which in turn, only made him do it more.
“Stop! Savrin, stop it!” I cried through the laughing fits.
Savrin did, and I saw Mama Bear ask Quorra a question, which made her laugh.
“No, their just best friends. Have been sense they were kids.” Quorra answered.
I blushed a little when I figured out Mama’s question.
“Oh... is there anyone?” She asked quietly. Quorra glanced at me. I gave a slight head nod.
“yeah. I believe there is.”
Then I really blushed when memories came to mind. The most powerful one being what you did right after I healed you.
I never thanked you for that.
So... Thanks! haha.

“Oh? and who might this young man be?”
I smiled and stepped over.
“I....I wish I could tell you.” I said sadly. “But I can tell you that he’s the third One.” I added quickly.
Mama’s face turned grave.
“I see.” She turned to Quorra. “Well, come along dear. I believe it’s your turn.” Mama Bear then walked off.
What did that mean? why was she all gloomy all of a sudden? I asked myself.

Quorra’s outfit was real cute on  her.
She had on a skirt as well. (which did have shorts under it) And again it was black, and it had white ruffles on the bottom.
She had on a black tank-top, with a green button up one over it. (though it looked dull compared to my neon one. So obviously it wasn‘t neon) The green one was full of black lace and ruffles as well.
And then over top of that she wore a thin white jacket tied together with a bow.
On her feet she wore black boots with purple laces.

When she came out she struck a pose and we all laughed at her.
She jumped around and did several back flips.
“Yup! It’ll work!” she exclaimed.
Then both of us did several back flips, and landed on our feet giggling.
“We’re good!” I said, giving Sav and Mama a thumbs up.
Mama laughed and gestured us over to the salon part of the store.
“Who’s up for a new do?” She asked. Us girls shot our hands up in the air. Where as Savrin shook his head.
“I’m set Mama. Thanks though.”
She smiled.
“I figured as much. Girls what would you like?”
“I don’t want a cut.” We both said in unison.

Quorra ended up with long pig-tails tied up with purple ribbons.
I wasn’t really sure what to do with mine, so Mama just wrapped a silver ribbon around a section of hair near my face.
She then handed me a comb and I slipped it in my pouch.
“You have such long hair, wouldn’t want it to get into knots.” She remarked. I nodded.
“Yeah it’s a pain if it does.”

“Thanks so much for all of your help Mama Bear!” Quorra said, slinging an arm over Savrin's shoulder. I shook my head and laughed.
“Yeah thanks, we owe you a lot.” She shook her head.
“No. Just run your race. And that’ll be thanks enough.”
I smiled and nodded.
“Now, I believe it’s time to meet the rest of the team.”
I was eager to meet this team. I trusted Mama Bear. She was like the grandma I never had.


Mama Bear took us through back allies. It was like she didn’t want us to be seen. Which, considering what she had said earlier, I guess was a good thing. Sense she was keeping us out of trouble.

She led us around for about an hour when we started to hear trains.
“They have trains here?” Quorra asked.
Mama nodded.
“yeah. The train tracks are all over Dresher. Except for Konsor, because of some idiotic president who failed to see beyond his city limits. But yes, there everywhere. Practically every town has a track.”
I glanced at Sav and Quorra. They rose their eyebrows. Hmm....

Mama Bear led us to the back of the train station. Which was really, really loud!
She took us down an ally where we came to a dead end that was cluttered with trash.
“Why did you lead us... to a dead end?” Savrin asked with a hint of suspicion.
“Who said anything -” she lifted a wood panel that was lying against the wall of the train station. I jumped over and helped her lift it and slide it across the ground.
Behind it was a tarp.
“ - about it being a dead end?” She finished. The three of us gapped as Mama disappeared behind the tarp.
Savrin (being the guy) went first, I followed second, with Quorra, who was biting her nails, behind me.

Inside, natural sunlight filled a large room. Half of it was taken up by pipes and boxes. Though right in front of the gapping hole in the wall that acted like a door, was the only area that was clean from boxes and pipes.
Under the window on the right wall sat a run-down couch that looked like it use to be green.
On the far side of the room, sat a computer monitor with a keyboard built into the desk.
I noticed a tall closet in a dark corner out of the corner of my eye. It had a shiny new padlock on it.
Hmm.... wonder what could be in there.

“Oh! MB, I’m so glad your here!” We all turned to see a small girl sitting in the swivel chair in front of the computer.
She had turned around and now faced us with a pixie face.
She had short brown hair that she pulled up into a small pony tail, though bangs and a few strands of hair that was too short to go into the pony tail, fell around her face.
She wore a blue school uniform with a skirt and a white short sleeve shirt along with a short sleeved blue jacket.
She wore white stockings on her feet with brown shoes.
“Oh! new recruits?” She asked, smiling up at us. Which made her big brown eyes sparkle. MB shook her head. “ Hi there. I’m Vegg.” She stood up and held out a hand.
I smiled back and shook it.
“Hi Vegg, I’m Zaydie. This is my sister -”
“Quorra. Nice name by the way.” My sister interrupted.
Vegg smiled and nodded.
“Thanks. What’s your name?”
She asked, turning to Sav.
“Savrin.” he answered with a chin-up nod.
Vegg smiled.
“So what are you all doing here in Mecca?”
“Well we’re actually -” I was interrupted by someone walking in.
I turned my head and found a boy standing behind us.
“I figured out some of what the Fallen is up to. It’s insane! They want to take over Dresher just like we suspected. But there’s one thing their freakishly afraid of...”
He finally noticed the three of us.
He was dressed in a black trench coat that fell to his ankles. He wore a black hoodie under that, the hood was up casting a shadow which prevented me from seeing his face.
Under the hoodie (which was left unzipped) he had on a navy blue plain shirt.
He wore black cargo pants with army boots as well.

The boy tossed back his hood and looked at all of us.
He had brown eyes, and short yet shaggy brown hair. He looked like he could be related to Vegg. Probably was.
He wore a cocky grin that reminded me so much of you I wanted to scream, laugh, and cry.

“Who’s the hottie?” He asked turning to Mama Bear, yet gesturing to me. My jaw dropped and my wits came back.
“Um, you have to excuse his crude manners.” MB apologized.
“No it’s ok.” I said, keeping my eyes on the kid.
“But I have to warn you kid. This “hottie” has a name. So you had better learn it. ‘cause if you don’t, you won’t have a jaw left!” I threatened with my hands on my hip. The boy chuckled.
“Feisty. You sure do know how to pick ‘em Ma. I’m Matrix. Or Rix. You are?” He asked.
“Zaydie’s the feisty one, Quorra’s her sister. And I’m Savrin.” Sav introduced.
Quorra gave me a thumbs up.
“Nice going sis.”
I let out a small smile.
“Ok. Zaydie. Sorry about that. Let’s start over.” He suggested. I crossed my arms and looked at him.
“Fine. But if I catch you calling me that again, you’ll get hurt.” I warned. He nodded.
“I believe you. So what are you guys doing here?”
“I brought them here because they are what we’ve been waiting for.” MB cut in. Looking at us with a smile.
Rix and Vegg turned to us in disbelief.
“Your kidding right?” Vegg asked. I gave her a smile and shrugged. “You three are the... Chosen Ones?”
“Uh, they are. I’m not.” Quorra inturrupted.
“How do we know this isn’t some kind of scam?” Rix asked. Crossing his arms.
“I saw their Marks for myself. It’s no scam Matrix.” MB put in.
“Mama, it’s not that I don’t trust you but still....”
I turned to Savrin with a hand on my hip.
“so you need proof?” I asked. Rix gave a curt nod.
“Alrighty then.” I turned to Matrix. “Hit me.” I ordered. He looked slightly taken aback.
“Hit me.”
Rix hesitated a moment, then jumped forward. I quickly pulled up my armor, and turned blue in the process.
Rix punched solid ice and pulled back a bloody hand.

Gasps ran around the room.
“Sorry about that, here let me fix you up.” I said to Matrix. Holding out my hand.
“Will -”
I shook my head.
“No it won’t hurt. I promise.”
He gave me his hand slowly and i used my healing Power. Gold light spilled out of my finger tips as I ran them across his bloody knuckles.
“See? Good as new.” I said. Letting go of his hand.
He starred at it for a moment before his normal playful face came back.
“Handy. What about you?” He turned to Savrin.
“Control over transportation, and the ability to sense what’ll happen in a battle.” He didn’t mention his third.
Well, neither did I, so I guess we’re ok for the time being.
“Isn’t there suppose to be three of you?” Vegg asked.
I looked down at the floor and interlocked my hands behind me.
I felt Quorra’s hand on my shoulder.
“He’s not here anymore.” Sav answered for me.

I might not remember your name, or your face. But the feelings are still strong. And it’s heart breaking to think that you are gone and I might not be able to see you again.
“What happened? were you guys tight? what was his name?” Vegg questioned.
Everything faded out, and the voices dulled.
New heartaches crashed over me. I can’t even answer those easy questions!

“Zaydie?” I looked up and saw that Quorra and Vegg were watching me with concerned faces.
“I - Um... I’ll - I’ll be right back.” I muttered as I moved to the tarp.
Quorra started to follow me. I spun on my heel and put out a hand, palm out.
She gave me a look, but didn’t follow me.

I found myself sitting on a tall roof with my feet dangling over the edge a little while latter.
Thousands of thoughts and feelings ran through me.
Tears welded up and so did the feeling that half of me was missing. Like it had been taken far away, and I have no idea where!

“I can always find you on a roof.” I turned to see Savrin walk over and sit down next to me.
“What’s wrong?” He asked pulling me close.
“I’m forgetting Sav.”
“Forgetting what?” I pulled away and looked him square in the face.
“Do you remember him? The third Chosen One?” I asked. Sav looked confused.
“I remember him being a real pain, and that had a major crush on you. I remember that he was a great fighter, and that he was willing to sacrifice himself to save you.”
“But do you remember his name? Or even his face?” I asked desperately.
Savrin hesitated, then shook his head.
I broke down and buried my face in my hands.
“Neither do I!” I shouted. “Neither do I. And I feel horrible because I have a feeling that we made a promise. A big important promise, but I don’t remember what it was!”
Savrin pulled me in for a hug.
“I’m sorry Zaydie. I’m sorry.”
“I use to dream about him. Every night. But now he’s gone. and in his place is a blond guy that I’ve never met before.”
Savrin took a hold of my shoulders and held me out at arms length.
“A blond guy you’ve never met is in your dreams?” He asked.
I nodded.
“Does he say anything?”
I was about to say no when I suddenly remembered him being very demanding.
“’Trust me.’”
Savrin was quiet for a moment.
“Well maybe you should.” He said finally.
“Maybe you should. Trust him I mean.” He repeated. “I mean think about it, if he took his place, then maybe he knows something about where he disappeared.”
I was quiet for a moment. I nodded. That made sense.
“Alright. I’ll try it.”
I took a deep breath and looked over the city.
“Well come on. We don’t want to keep your sister freaked.”
I grinned and stood up.
“Sav, I have a question.”
He stood up and cocked his head.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yeah. Duh.”
I held out a hand.
“Prove it.”
He looked from my hand to me.
“What are you -” He shook his head and laughed. He placed his hand in mine. As soon as he did I did a flip over the edge of the roof.
Savrin yelled.
I moved around so I was falling head first.
“Zaydie! What are you doing?!” He cried out from next to me.
I shot out my other hand and tugged on two of our air boards.
I made them come right to where we were. I angled back a little and my feet met the board.
I pulled Savrin down on his own and we were forced to our knees from the force of gravity.
I laughed as we zoomed up into the air.
“I told you to prove it.” I said looking over at Savrin. His face still told me that he was in shock.
“Ok.... and I did. But don’t ever do that again!”
I grinned and stood up on my board.
I angled it strait up.
It zoomed up into the air.
I dove it in and out of people already in the sky, till I was above them.
“Zaydie! Be careful!” Savrin yelled after me.

I shot it strait through the air, till it came above the clouds.
I looked up at the pure blue and the golden sun.
“Hello Father.” I said. I then jumped away from my board and was suspended in air in an arch. I then fell down to the ground.
Passing through the clouds, I saw Mecca down below me. It was small, but getting bigger by every passing second.
I saw people air surfing, some showing off, others just trying to get somewhere.
I then spotted Savrin’s new green cape in the wind.

I extended my arms out like I had wings.
I’m free falling.

I was free falling closer and closer to Sav. It was when I got close enough to see the shear look of horror on his face that my board caught up with me.
I landed on one knee with my hands gripping it’s sides.
I then zoomed inches away from Savrin’s face.
I gave him a wink and then sped my way to the train station
Nothing like a little adrenaline pumping through your veins to get your head cleared. Haha.

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